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Why Christ Belongs To Unworthy Slaves

Text: John 1:19-28 In the name of Jesus.  Amen. In the first century, people would take small pieces of wood or leather from the skins of animals and fasten them to the soles of the feet.  This would protect the feet from the sharp stones on the ground or the burning sand in the sun.  Now, unlike our shoes today, shoes were sandals.  The foot was not completely covered, but a piece of wood or leather was bound to the foot by a strap around the ankle and across the top of the foot.    Unlike today’s cement sidewalks and paved parking lots, the roads in first-century Israel were often dusty, unpaved, and usually littered with animal waste.  And so, sandals and feet both got quite dirty.  Removing your sandals before going into someone’s house did not remove the filth from your feet.  Your feet also had to be washed upon entering into a home, especially before meals.  Washing feet was a practical necessity.   Keep in mind that if...

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