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Is Heaven On Earth?

Text: Genesis 28:10-17 In the name of Jesus. Amen. The Bible describes heaven as a house with many mansions, paradise, an unfading inheritance, a rest for the people of God, a marriage supper, a crown of life, and a city. Heaven is also described as the dwelling place of God, His holy angels, the ascended Christ, and believers who have died in the faith.   So, heaven is a real place.  However, we must be careful not to understand heaven in a physical sense, as if heaven were physically located on the other side of Jupiter.  Now, the Bible does describe heaven as being above us and hell as being below us; however, this is only to help us understand heaven and hell from our earthly perspective.  Again, heaven is not necessarily located above us in space in a physical location, but instead, heaven is God’s throne from which He orchestrates all things, sustains all things, and sees all who dwell on earth.  It is a real place, yet it is not a physical place we can locate on Google Maps.  

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