What Kind of Savior Do You Expect?
Text : Matthew 21:1-9 In the name of Jesus. Amen. What kind of Savior do you expect? Yes, what kind of Savior do you expect? Dear friends, I must caution you before you answer this question, for if you have wrong expectations about Jesus, these expectations can lead you down a very difficult and troublesome path. In other words, if your expectations of Jesus are wrong or distorted — if you expect Jesus to be a certain way when He is not — then your view of the Christian faith and the church’s purpose will also go wrong. Permit me an opportunity to explain. When we have wrong expectations in life, we will expect things to go a certain way. However, when things do not go as we desire, we get frustrated, disappointed, and angry. To make things worse, instead of admitting that our expectations are misguided, we often double down, demanding that our expectations be met. And when they are not met, we typically stomp our feet, leave, ...